Handicrafts for spring for adults

TheCrafts in spring with childrenis a lot of fun. However, we adults sometimes want to lend a hand and make decorations ourselves, with which we want to decorate our apartment on certain occasions. And since spring with its pleasant sun rays and colorful flowers after the bare and cold winter ensures real feelings of happiness, of course beautiful handicrafts for adults are also a great idea to transform this joy into something creative. Whether wreaths, napkins or window decorations - in our today's article you will find some really wonderful craft ideas for spring for adults where you will enjoy throughout the season. What can you tinker?

Craft ideas for spring for adults - make original wreaths as decoration

Wreaths belong to the apartment decorationJust find it too, don't you find it? That is why we have two nice ideas for you in the following, which are easy to do and are guaranteed to ensure real spring mood. The perfect craft ideas for spring for adults! So take a few hours and create this pretty DIY room decoration:

Wreath with off the hook wool and birdhouses

  • Off the hook wool (2x) in any spring color
  • Styroporring (here 30 cm diameter)
  • Steag
  • Band for hanging
  • Bird houses, birds or other spring decorations
  • Optional to design the house: large spatula, acrylic paints and brushes
  • Hot glue, scissors

Wrap the wool around the wreath and stuck it with pins at certain intervals. Instead, you could also use hot glue, but be careful not to stick the wool with the glue in visible places (e.g. if the glue makes threads because it is not liquid enough). Then you can do thatDesign birdhouses as you likeAnd paint with colors, make roof tiles made of spatula (cut off 2.5 cm large pieces, of which you need 20 pieces) or decorate the opening with metal rings. You can also stick the house into the wreath. Add birds or which decorations you otherwise chose. Tie the tape around the ring and hang up the pretty DIY decoration.

Filz wreath with colorful spring flowers

  • Felt in three green tones and suitable colors for the flowers (for the pansies you also need yarn)
  • Hot glue and scissors
  • Band for hanging
  • Embroidery

Cut out leaves in three different shades of green. So that everyone becomes the same, you can use the first as a template for the other leaves. Then distribute the leaves on the embroidery frame and stick firmly. Then you can make the flowers (or buy it ready). Of course areSpring flowers for craft ideasThe best choice for spring for adults, but you are also welcome to come up with other flowers. Step mothers, roses, peony, but also Easter bells or tree flowers are ideally suited for decorating and there are numerous craft instructions on the Internet that you can use. If you stick and design this wreath on both sides, you can even use the idea if you want to make a window decoration in spring.

Mador plates made of fabric for napkin rings or hair ties

These butterflies can be used for a wide variety of things. If you use small rings (you can also bend from wire yourself), you are perfect for napkin rings and great spring table decorations. Larger rings turn into the perfect sophisticated, but also glued to a hair ripe and as a pretty accessory for girls, the fabric butterflies are ideally suited. They are great craft ideas for spring for adults toTo utilize the remains of the fabric!

  • Substance
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine (you can also sew by hand)
  • Deletable pen for fabrics
  • Textile adhesive or hot glue
  • Ring in the desired size or hair ripe

Draw the two elements twice on the back of the fabric (left) and cut them out. Then put them on the right on the right and sew the edges together. But leave a small hole open so that the fabrics can then be turned up. Then sew the holes too. Then cut out a wide strip from the fabric and fold it lengthways on both sides. A iron can be very helpful here.

You then wrap the band preserved around the middle of the other two elements that shape the butterfly wings. If you want to use a ring, you should now include it. Glue the fabric tight and you're ready. TheFinished butterflyWithout a ring you can also simply glue on a hair ripe.

Decorative serving plate as spring tinkering and for Easter

Thiscreative serving plateis quick and easy to make and also ideally suited for children. The example is an oval plate to create an Easter egg, but of course you can also choose any other forms and make other patterns if you choose such craft ideas for spring for adults. You need:

  • platter
  • Tissue paper
  • Mod podge or napkin glue
  • Zigzag scissors, punches or other aids
  • White acrylic paints and brushes
  • Scissors, pencil, sponge brushes

Paint the plate with two or three layers of white acrylic paint, let each layer dry well before applying the next. While the color dries, you can cut out any elements from the tissue paper. In the example, zigzag strips, circles and straight strips were used, but they can also come up with their own motifs. How about, for example, with flowers and leaves,a spring treeOr an abstract design in spring colors? Spread the elements on the plate.

As soon as you are satisfied with the arrangement, paint over it with a sponge brush Mod Podge or napkin glue over it and delete the paper nicely. As soon as the elements have dried, apply another layer of glue, but this time on the whole plate. This serving plate only serves the decoration and, for example, decorations, for example,Colorful Easter eggsOr to show off other non -edible things. It is best to serve no food on it.

Pretty spring basket with artificial flowers

This impressive basket is really quick and as a last-minute project for Easter and if you are looking for craft ideas for spring for adults. Children can also implement this craft idea in spring and have fun. The finished basket is not onlyvery good as an Easter basketSuitable, but can also serve as a table decoration (for example for serving muffins) or for storing other things. Instead of a basket, you can also use a braided tray and decorate your apartment with it. You can make this decoration so easy:

  • Korb, tray or other braided container
  • Artificial flowers, grasses and leaves
  • Hot glue

Remove all leaves and flowers from the main stems. You will probably have to cut the knobs at the ends so that the flower and leaf stems fit through the gaps of the braid. Start with the larger parts and distribute them all over the outside of the basket, always in different directions. Put the elements into the gaps and then fix them with glue.

Then add the biggest flowers (in the exampleAre they wickers). Make sure that you do not distribute these large flowers too close together and not too symmetrically. Finally, take all the other smaller flowers and also distribute them evenly here and there to make other happy splashes of color. You can fill out the inside of the basket with art grass or another material.

Craft ideas for spring for adults - Easter bunnies made of wooden slices

Wood is ideal for tinkering for adults and if you are also looking for an idea forCrafts with natural materialsFor adults, then these Easter bunnies are really the perfect idea. Quick and above all simple, incredibly cute and suitable as a decoration for the whole spring - so you can tinker the bunnies for a pretty room decoration and thus decorate wall or windows and create a window decoration for Easter:

  • Wooden discs in different sizes: 2 large ones for the body (about the same size), a medium -sized one for the hind legs, three small ones for ears, head and front paws
  • saw
  • Holzleim
  • Pencil
  • right -angled ruler
  • Force
  • Cotton branches
  • Hot glue and gun
  • Optionally a tape

Cut and stick wooden slices

Take the medium -sized disc and two of the little ones and halve them with the saw. Take one of the middle halves and glue them with wood glue at the bottom of the large pane and then one of the small halves. Repeat these steps again with the other elements to get the other side of the rabbit. Between these two body elements, glue the disc for the head and clamp everything tightly with the compulsions. Now glue the other small halves of the disc on the head as ears and let the glue dry well. Finally, you can put cotton branches for a tail between the side panels or glue and adorn the neck of the bunny with a loop. Since the rabbit can be used on both sides, you can also lean and maintain it to the windowA great window decoration.

Of course this arrangement ismade of wooden disksOnly one example and you can also come up with other rabbits as in the example in the front view. In addition, the rabbit is not the only possible figure. With a little imagination, a wide variety of spring motifs can be implemented as craft ideas for spring for adults. And tinkering with natural materials in spring will definitely tempt you to spend more time in nature.

Cool handicrafts - floral decoration for hanging

Are you still looking for a nice idea with which you can spice up the dining area a little? Thishanging decorationWith colorful flowers you will surely turn your head. You can use real and artificial flowers for spring tinkering for adults, whereby you will enjoy your homemade decoration with the fake for longer. Do several for different areas in the house! For these craft ideas for spring for adults, they need:

  • Hula Hoop tires in green or green color to paint
  • Wire ring with a diameter of approx. 30 cm
  • transparent yarn
  • Green florist adhesive tape or Washi tape
  • Blumendraht
  • Real or artificial flowers and tendrils

Bind real or artificial flowers

If you have not found a green tire, first paint it with a green color and let the color dry. Then tie the two rings together with the transparent yarn. You need four pieces of the same length that you bind so that the two rings have a distance of 40 cm from each other. Alternatively, you can also glue the yarn with adhesive tape. To thesmall ringAlso attach yarn to hang up. Better leave it a little longer and shorten it later when hanging, if necessary.

Then wrap around both rings and attach them to the floral wire or florist adhesive tape. Always let the ends of the tendrils hang down. Then you can add the flowers by attaching them to tape. Start with the largest and best always design small groups from 3 or 4 flowers. Then gradually fill out the gaps with smaller flowers. As soon as you are satisfied with the arrangement, hang itAbout the dining tableOr any other place. Handicrafts for spring for adults with flowers are perfect for both indoors and outside!