One of the most popular plants for the garden is the pretty Bux tree. This is not just because of its beautiful appearance. It also offers numerous application possibilities. On the one hand, it is suitable as a hedge plant that can grow up to 5 to 6 meters high, but can also be kept smaller. The perfect privacy screen, but also perfect for bordering beds! But that's not all. Because the plant is easywonderful for topiariesIt also looks great as a solitary plant in the garden - and of course also in a pot on the terrace or balcony. And although it is very attractive on its own, you often want to complement its green foliage with other flowers and plants. But what can you combine boxwood with?
What plants are suitable for boxwood is of real interestmany hobby gardeners. And because we know this and want to help you make the right choice, we will give you a few tips, ideas and examples of how you can combine boxwood.
Combining boxwood – Which plants go well with boxwood?
In principle, you have a large selection available and you can choose between shrubs, perennials, ground cover anddifferent treeschoose. The lush and remarkable flowers of the rose stand out particularly well amidst the green boxwood foliage. But of course other flowering plants are also suitable, as are those with colorful foliage. It is important that when choosing, you make sure that all plants have the same location and care needs. After all, you share the same area. For the boxwood's partners, this means that they prefer a sunny to partially shaded location with humus-rich, fresh and calcareous soil.
Combine boxwood with perennials
Whether toBoxwood solitairesor in front of a hedge – perennials are always a good combination partner. The above-ground plant parts of perennials always die in winter, whereupon the roots sprout again in spring. In order to avoid a bare garden during the winter, the box is ideal for green areas even in winter - precisely because the box tree is evergreen.Which types of perennials?comefor example in question?
- Flower sage (Sage wood)
- Honorary Award (Veronica longifolia)
- Fig-leaved hollyhock (Alcea ficifolia)
- Großblumige Kokardenblume (Gaillardia x grandiflora)
- Large-flowered girl's eye (Coreopsis grandiflora)
- Tall Flame Flower (Phlox paniculata)
- Cushion Aster (Aster dumosus)
- Lavender(Lavandula angustifolia)
- lupins (Lupinus polyphyllus)
- Rittersporn (Delphinium)
- Rotblühende Spornblume (Centranthus ruber)
- Scheinsonnenhut (Echinacea purpurea)
- Stockrose (Alcea rosea)
- Storchschnabel (Geranium)
- Sun Bride (Helenius x worshipers)
- Coneflower (Rudbeckia)
Combine grasses and boxwood
While the boxwood impresses with its strong green and small leaves that grow densely,create grassesa completely different special look. Their vertical growth, the fine blades of grass and usually paler or contrasting colors look particularly beautiful in front of the box and create an interesting texture thanks to their lightness. But even framed by a low hedge, grasses look very attractive as a focal point. Both plants complement each other perfectly. If you want to combine boxwood and grasses, you can choose those whose upper parts of the plant die off and sprout again in the winter, like perennials, as well as those that are evergreen and decorate your garden all year round. You could combine the boxwood with the following ornamental grasses, as they also prefer a sunny location:
- blue fescue (Fenugreek)
- Blue-rayed oats (Helictotrichon sempervirens)
- Miscanthus (Miscanthus)
- feather grass (Stipa pinnate)
- Fuchsrote Ass (Carex buchananii)
- Japanese blood grass (Cylindrical orders)
- Pampasgras (Cortaderia weep)
- pipe grass (Molinia caerulea)
- Giant miscanthus/elephant grass(Miscanthus x giganteus)
- Reed glossy grass (Phalaris reed)
- switchgrass (Turned into a panic)
- Schwingel (Fescue)
- silvercrest grass (Sesleria nitida)
- The beach roe (Leymus arenarius)
- ornamental millet (Turned into a panic)
Great boxwood companion plants – the rose
Of course, the queen of all garden plants cannot be missing from our list of suitable combination partners for the Bux tree. Thanks to the many different varieties, you can not only choose between different sizes, but also from a variety of flower shapes and colors.
For example, if you have a taller boxwood hedge,see several rose bushesin the form of a bed looks very pretty as a foreground. This is especially true if you choose varieties that bloom for a long time and produce new flowers again and again. Bed and shrub roses usually have these characteristics, but so do some noble roses. If you want to break the exact shape of the boxwood a little, you can choose wild roses to add a touch of naturalness to the arrangement. Wild roses can complement the hedge. So if you ask yourself “what to plant next to boxwood?”, you get a possible answer with wild roses.
- under Beetrosen
- all shrub roses
- Edelrose
- Wild rose for a combined hedge
Which ground cover goes well with boxwood?
While perennials and shrubs look best in front of taller boxwood hedges or tall solitary boxwoods, as these also grow relatively talla bed bordermade from boxwood, for example, can be combined with low-growing ground cover plants. Here too, it is of course important to choose the right plants with which to combine the box. Examples include:
- African ring basket (Anacyclus depressed)
- mountain chickweed (Arenaria montana)
- Honorary Award (Veronica)
- Garden Silverwort (Dryas x suendermannii)
- catnip (Nepeta racemosa)
- Caucasus cranesbill (Geranium renardii)
- cushion carnations (Dianthus cultivars)
- ice plant (Delosperma cooperi)
- Sand-Thymian (Thymus serpyllum)
- Hot stonecrop (Sedum acre)
- snowflake flower (Chaenostoma cordatum)
- prickly nuts (Aceanea microphylla)
- Steppensalbei (Sage wood)
- Steppe spurge (Euphorbia seguieriana)
- Teppichphlox (Phlox subulata)
- Wollziest (Stachys byzantina)
Decorate boxwood in the pot with other plants
Not only can youin the garden bedcombine the boxwood with other plants. Some people also grow the box in large plant containers and use it to decorate terraces, entrance areas or even balconies. In the bucket there is often a free space between the tree itself and the edge of the bucket, which can be annoying. That's why some people like to fill it with suitable plants. But what goes well with boxwood in a pot?
In principle, you can combine boxwood with all plantsfor plant containersare suitable and also have the same needs as the boxwood. The advantage is that the additional plants provide shade to the soil in the pot and in this way moisture can be stored for longer. The soil in the pots does not dry out as quickly as it would without additional plants.
The snowflake flower, for example, is a popular ground cover that you can also combine with the boxwood in a pot.In this articleYou can find such an example as well as other ideas for combining the snowflake flower. Alternatively, you can leave the box alone in the pot and instead place it in a group with other separate plants.
With ivy and begonias
What suits Buxbaum – ideas for combinations
Boxwoods and thuja as hedge plants
Modern, green bed
Boxwood balls and allium
Purple and white boxwood plants in a round bed
Combine green and pink
Boxwood with lavender as a color contrast
Boxwood in a pot with white-flowering companion plants
Traditional garden with box border and colorful meadow flowers
Regular and raised beds with boxwood and white flowers
What goes with boxwood - climbing rose on an arch as a climbing aid
White roses
Boxwood, catnip and peonies
Green and white arrangement in the garden
White hydrangeas in the background
Green hedge and pink ground cover
Boxwood ball in different sizes with pansies and daffodils
Boxwoods with tall and low ground covers