We have already mentioned in another article that you should not throw away your old tea bags. There we showed you how to get oldTea bags in the gardencan use. Today we have a few ideas and tricks for the household and beauty. What originally seems like rubbish to you sometimes turns out to be effective in many areas of our everyday life, so from now on you will definitely think twice about whether you throw away the used tea bags or use them again for another good purpose. How can you reuse old tea bags?
Continue to use old tea bags in the household
For polishing wooden surfaces
By reusing old tea bags, you can protect your wooden floors, but also your furnitureGive wood a new shine. Place the used bags in warm water. Do not use new ones or the solution will be too strong. Dip a soft cloth or microfiber cloth into the mild solution and apply to the wood. It polishes the wood and makes it shine again.
Dissolve fat with used tea bags
You know when you've scrubbed your pan several times but it's still greasy?Instead of using aggressive cleaning agentsTo avoid any problems that could damage the coating and are harmful to health and the environment, use old tea bags instead! You can also try the following if it has burnt: Place a used tea bag in the pan, fill it with hot water and let the whole thing work overnight. The burnt-on fat residue should be easier to remove the next morning.
Refresh carpet with tea leaves
You can even use used tea bags on your carpet! In this case, let the bags dry thoroughly. Then cut them open and take out the leaves. Mix them upwith a handful of baking soda, then spread the mixture on the carpet or at least on the dirty and smelly areas. After about 20 minutes, vacuum everything away again. Both ingredients are wonderful odor neutralizers and also trap dirt. Perfect, right?
By the way, old tea bags can also be used as odor neutralizers in other areas. How about the wardrobe, the fridge or even the shoes?
Old tea bags as quick fire starters
Squeeze the tea bags and let them dry completely. Then dip them in melted wax and let it harden again on baking paper. They are then ready for use. More ideas for homemade fire starterscan be found here.
Use old tea bags for your beauty
Apply tea bags to eyes
No more annoying dark circles under the eyesand puffiness under the eyes, because the used tea bags will come to your rescue! If you would like to use tea bags against dark circles under the eyes, you should first squeeze out the tea bags used. Then place the still wet bags in the refrigerator to cool down. The caffeine contained in tea causes the dilated blood vessels to shrink. This is especially true for white, green and black tea, as the caffeine content is higher there. If you would like to put old tea bags on sore eyes, in principle all types are suitable. However, eyebright tea has a particularly antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effect.
Moisturize the skin
Dry skinYou can freshen up wonderfully by boiling old tea bags again, letting the water cool down, pouring it into a spray bottle and then applying it to your facial skin using a cotton pad. In principle, this works with any type of tea (organic is best, of course), but green tea is particularly beneficial for hydrating dry skin due to its antioxidants.
Use tea bags and relieve sunburn
It is best to use this remedy as quickly as possible so that it is effectiveagainst sunburnis. To increase the effect, make a stronger solution by steeping several old tea bags in a smaller amount of hot water. Alternatively, you can simply brew 3 fresh tea bags. Once the water has turned a dark black color, remove the bags and allow the tea to cool. Dip a soft cloth into the liquid and gently pat (do not wipe!) onto reddened skin. Allow the liquid to dry and perhaps reapply, but do not rinse.
The active ingredients in tea need time to work. It is therefore recommended to use it in the evening before going to bed, after which you can wash the tea off with the morning shower. You should then notice an improvement. It is the tannic acid and theobromine that take away the heat caused by sunburn from the skin, while the so-called catechin prevents and repairs it.
Old tea bags for beautiful hair
Brew a stronger tea using several used tea bags. Once it has cooled down, rinse your hair with it and let the DIY conditioner work for 10 minutes. Afterwardwash your hairas usual. The result is shiny and soft hair!
Against skin rashes and insect bites
For minor rashes and insect bites, old tea bags can help. To do this, simply place a cooled, still damp tea bag on the affected area and let it work for some time. The active ingredients of the tearelieve the inflammationand in this way contribute to faster healing.
Facial cleansing with tea steam
Cleanse the pores and nourish your skin at the same timewith healthy nutrients, by placing some used tea bags in a large bowl or pot and pouring hot water. Lean over the water for 5 to 10 minutes (not too far down to avoid burning yourself, as the steam is also very hot). The heat opens the pores and the antioxidants in the tea can penetrate the skin better. Furthermore, the skin is supplied with moisture.
Old tea bags are also suitable for your steam bath. Add one or two bags to the bath water and enjoy the soothing aroma of the tea, which will also pamper your skin. Lavender or chamomile tea are particularly suitable.