Cloud Bread Recipe – The new trendy pastries are so easy to prepare

Social media is bursting with new trends and there are numerous of theminnovative recipes. One of them is the impressive Cloud Bread recipe, which not only looks great but is also made from only three ingredients. What's more, the preparation is so easy that even beginner bakers won't have any problems. Today we will introduce you to the delicious bread and explain how you can bake it yourself.

Cloud Bread recipe with only three ingredients

Egg whites, sugar and cornstarch - that's all you need if you want to make cloud bread. It is important that youproteinSeparate the egg whites and yolks from each other so that no yolk remains in the egg white. Otherwise, the egg whites cannot become stiff and fluffy. A little tip on the side: egg whites and yolks are easier to separate from each other when the egg is still cold. However, you should beat the egg whites until they are at room temperature.

The sugar isn't just there to make the cloud bread sweeter. It also firms up the protein and makes theMeringue obtained in this wayeven fluffier. The cornstarch, in turn, is intended to absorb any excess liquid and makes the meringue shiny. By the way, you can also give the meringue a little color. This way the bread becomes even more attractive. Now let’s get to the Cloud Bread recipe:

The classic recipe

  • Protein from 3 large eggs (approx. 6 tbsp)
  • 30g sugar
  • 10g corn starch
  • optional: food coloring, vanilla extract, cocoa powder and chocolate chips

For the Cloud Bread recipe, first preheat the oven to low heat. Using a hand mixer, beat the egg whites in a bowl. As soon as they become foamy and white, you can gradually add the sugar. Stir until the sugar has dissolved and the egg whites begin to become fluffy. While stirring, sift the cornstarch into the bowl and add a little color if you like. If youa chocolate breador vanilla flavor, you can now also add cocoa powder or vanilla extract.

The meringue is ready when, when you pull out the stirrers, it forms a peak that doesn't collapse (kind of like shaving cream). But you shouldn't overdo it with stirring. If you like, you can also stir in chocolate chips.

Line a baking tray with parchment paper, scrape the meringue out of the bowl and form a cloud on the tray. Bake the whole thing in the oven over low heat until the cloud bread is golden brown.

Cloud Bread Keto with cream cheese and sesame

Should you have oneFollow keto diet, you can also try this Keto Cloud Bread Recipe:

  • 3 large eggs, whites separated from yolks
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 900 g cream cheese
  • 45g cream cheese
  • 1/4 tsp kosher salt
  • 1/8 tsp onion powder
  • 2 tsp white or black sesame seeds

Preheat the oven to 150 degrees and line a baking tray with baking paper. Put the egg whites and baking powder in a bowl and beat until stiff, about 5 minutes. Place the cream cheese in the microwave and heat it three times for 10 seconds each time to soften it. Then let it cool slightly and add it to the egg yolk along with the onion powder and salt and mix the ingredients together well.

Stir the egg yolk mixture into the stiff egg whites. Now form four round loaves of bread on the baking tray from the dough obtained and then sprinkle them with sesame seeds. Bake the cloud bread until golden brown, 25 to 28 minutes.

What can you make with the cloud bread?

The sweet cloud bread recipe basically doesn't require any other ingredients. It also tastes really delicious. For the hearty version, you can choose between a delicious sandwich and even pizza. You can top the Cloud Bread Sandwich with all your favorite ingredients - just like regular bread. The same applies todelicious burgers.

For the Cloud Bread Pizza, you should first bake the bread. You can then spread pizza or tomato sauce on them and top them with whatever your heart desires. Finally, sprinkle cheese or mozzarella on top andbake the pizzasfor a few minutes until the cheese has melted.

Delicious sandwiches for parties and as a snack in between

Color Cloud Bread pink

Sweet bread sprinkled with cinnamon

This also tastes delicious:Pig ear pastries like from the bakery with only 3 ingredients