In order to stay healthy and fit, sport and sufficient exercise are very important - we all know that. For a healthy and vital life, experts recommend exercising moderately for at least 2-3 hours every week. But leaving the warm bed before sunrise takes an extra bit of effort, especially in the darker months. And aOutdoor Training im Winterdoesn't sound that tempting either. After work we usually have to go shopping, cook for the family and do other tasks. Well, then when should we train? The question of the perfect time concerns many sports enthusiasts. When is the best time to lose weight or how should we train? An easy oneTraining in the eveningis and remains the classic in today's stressful everyday life. So if you prefer to lie down a little longer in the morning, you would be best served with a workout before you go to bed. What are the benefits of exercising before bed and what are the best exercises for an effective workout late at night? We'll tell you all of this and lots of other useful information and tips below!
It's better to avoid exercising before going to bed, otherwise our sleep will be disturbed - we've all heard that at least once. However, this is nothing more than a widespread myth. During a strenuous workout, our heart rate increases and it always takes a certain amount of time to slow down again. As researchers from the Institute of Movement Sciences and Sport Zurich have discovered, light training in the evening has a number of benefits and can even improve sleep quality. To come to this conclusion, the team evaluated 23 studies that looked at the connection between exercise in the evening and the quality of sleep.
Training in the evening: What are the benefits of a workout before bed?
As already mentioned, exercise scientists have already proven that a moderate workout before going to bed can in certain cases even have positive effects on sleep quality. However, training should be finished in the evening a maximum of 4 hours and a minimum of 30 minutes before going to bed - only then will the body have enough time to rest. Not convinced yet? Then read below some of the most important benefits that evening training offers.
- A workout in the evening relieves stress –A moderate workout before bed is particularly beneficial for our mental health. It makes our brain stronger, has a relaxing effect and can reduce stress. In addition, levels of the stress hormone cortisol are lowest late in the evening. And since this hormone promotes muscle building, working out in the evening would be the perfect time to build muscle and melt the fat.
- In the evening we have more energy than we think –Every body has its own biorhythm with high and low phases. In the morning, the energy stores are empty and only increase again around 4 p.m., with the peak phase lasting until around 10 p.m. A study conducted by the University of Mannheim has shown that we can train up to 20% longer and more intensively in the evening than in the morning.
- The deep sleep effect –The participants in one study did a light workout before going to bed and, according to the results, they spent an average of 22.3 percent of their sleep time in deep sleep. On evenings without exercise, the same test subjects slept 18.9 percent of the time in deep sleep. Although the difference may seem small, it is still crucial because the low phases are particularly important for the body's regeneration. However, to benefit from this effect, you should exercise at a low to moderate intensity. For example, a is perfect for thisLISS Training.
- Training in the evening against tension –Sitting in front of the computer all day is a sure recipe for stiffness. At the end of the day your neck, back and shoulders hurt. Training in the evening can actually help against back pain. In order to permanently relieve joint and muscle tension, you should ratherStretching and yoga exercisesfocus.
- Prevents unhealthy habits –Yes, a workout before bed will also successfully ward off unhealthy habits. If you exercise in the evening, you're less likely to sit in front of the TV with a bag of chips and a beer. This will change your lifestyle in a positive way.
It is better to avoid an intensive workout before going to bed
However, intensive training sessions that are carried out within 1-2 hours before going to bed are excluded from all of these positive effects of training in the evening. Not all exercises are created equal when it comes to how they affect your sleep. That's why it's very important that you always choose your activity and the timing carefully. If you want to workout late at night, it's best to exercise at a low intensity and preferably finish the workout at least 1 hour before bed - this will give your body enough time to relax. In addition, for example, a high-intensityTabata Trainingincrease the body's core temperature and heart rate, keep the brain active and lead to a release of adrenaline. As a result, you will be lying in bed wide awake at 1am. It's actually quite easy to tell whether your workouts are intense or not. If you can't hold a conversation anymore, then it's too intense. However, with moderate training, you should still be able to carry out a conversation.
You should include these exercises in your evening workout!
So that you can stay fit and still sleep well and restfully, we have put together the best exercises for you that are perfect for an effective workout before going to bed. Choose 3-4 exercises and do 3 sets of 10-12 reps, resting for 20 seconds between sets. This will help you burn a few more calories in the evening and prepare your body for a relaxing and peaceful night.
- Plank exercise –So that you can train as many muscle groups as possible at the same time in the shortest possible time, it is better to use compound exercises. The manyShelf Variantsare undoubtedly among the most effective full-body bodyweight exercises that you can do anywhere and at any time. Choose any plank exercise and try to hold the position for at least 40 seconds. Rest briefly and repeat twice more.
- Glute Bridge –Every woman dreams of a beautiful and firm butt and the glute bridge is the perfect exercise for that! To do this, lie on your back with your legs bent, with your toes pointing forward and your arms flat on the floor. Then lift your buttocks and pelvis so that your body forms a straight line from your knees to your head. Hold the position briefly and lower your pelvis again, but not on the floor.
- Squats –No matter whether you train in the gym or at home – the squat exercise should not be missing from any training routine! This primarily trains the legs and buttocks, but the stomach is also addressed to some extent. Simply stand in front of the bed and do 100 squats at once. If this becomes too easy, you can adjust the difficulty by using light weights or increasing the number of repetitions.
- Stationary lungeis undoubtedly the perfect exercise to tone your entire body without increasing your heart rate. To do this, simply go into a lunge and take your back foot down so far that your front and back knees form a 90 degree angle when you kneel down. To increase the difficulty and shift the focus even more to the butt, you can place your front foot on a platform.
Stretching exercises are perfect for an effective and relaxing workout before bed
When it comes to natural sleep aids like chamomile tea or essential oils, stretching is often overlooked. In fact, you can get oneMobility Traininghelp you fall asleep faster, improve sleep quality and forget about the stress of the day. Stretching exercises are also ideal for relieving muscle tension in the neck and back area.
- Downward Facing Dog with Leg Extensions –This exercise stretches the entire body and also trains the abdominal and butt muscles - a real all-rounder! Start in the classic all-fours position and push yourself up so that only your feet and hands touch the floor and your body forms a triangle. Then lift your left leg as far as possible, hold it briefly and press your knee towards the tip of your nose. Repeat for 30 seconds and repeat with the other leg.
- Sphinx positionis one of the most famous yoga exercises ever. This strengthens the spine and trains the lower abdomen. In addition, blood circulation is promoted, which in turn reduces stress at the same time. Lie on your stomach with your forehead resting on the floor and your toes extended. Now stretch your hands out in front of you and point your palms downwards. Inhale deeply and slightly lift your head, lower abdomen and chest, making sure your belly button stays on the floor. Then move your torso up and back using your arms. Breathe in and out deeply as you bend your spine backwards.
- Preventionis ideal for recharging your batteries and relieving tension in the neck. When performing it, it is important to make sure that you do not overdo the stretch and that you listen to your body. Sit down and stretch your legs forward. Bend your upper body forward as far as is comfortable for you. Lower your forehead towards your thigh and remain in the posture for about 10 calm, deep breaths.
- Knee hugstretches the entire muscles in a very gentle way and is therefore perfect for a light workout in the evening. Lie on your back with your legs extended. Pull your right knee to your chest and hold it with both hands. Hold the position for 30 seconds and repeat with the other leg.